Sunday, June 06, 2004

orkut - communities - messages

orkut - communities - messages: "Another question that I had raised in the Idol worship thread was ....

Should we waste resources for psychogical benefits and achieving oneness with GOD when we know some people are striving for survival?.

My ans:-
I think its choice one has to make.
My choice will be yes I will still advice to do the rituals like Yagna,Arti,SatyaNarayan Katha or similar rituals in other religions to be in a best pschycological state which in trun will help me to be in a postion to perform at my level best so that I can help others.Without these rituals my mind will be polluted with bad thoughts.I will not be in best pscychological state and I will not be performing at my best and hence could not help others.
You might say pschycological state can be improved by meditation etc. also yes I agree but it is more difficult path to be meant for all.May be you and I can follow miditation path what about millions of others who will find path of rituals more suitable for them because it directly plays with pscychology of human mind.

The power of these rituals is proven clearly when you can see eveen the poor family people do such rituals even after taking lot of pain in the effort.But you will never see a poor family person do meditation,he will say Me and my family don't have enough food to eat how will meditation help me?.
You tell him do this ritual to keep your mind happy and he will do it.

So I would say to be able to give Service to mankind one needs to keep himself in a good frame of mind and for that he constantly needs some pscycological triggers which he gets from worship of GOD in any of the forms or ways.

Like Swamiji said ...without helping ohers you can not achieve your spiritual goals.

I personally follow a simple Rule I donate a percentage of my earnings to others no matter how"

orkut - communities - messages

orkut - communities - messages: "Service to Mankind is Service to GOD 6/2/2004 8:41 PM

First of all I am suprised to see this many Youngsters in the community.Good for INDIA!!!.When I scrolled through the topics I have not seen atleast one topic stressing the need on Service ( Daridranarayana Seva as Swamiji used to call).

I dont know much about swamiji( I guess no one can dare to say that he understood swamiji)but for the past few years from the little exposure I had to swamijis works and few books on his life,I can say that swamiji always stressed on Service to mankind and infact for the few people he suggested to stop reading scriptures and go and serve the poor people who are waiting and indeed at your very door.He also went to such an extent that he asked one of his disciples to stop meditation,if necessary for the sake of service.( which he says is nothing but karma yoga).

Being the admirers (follwers....disciples) of Swamiji,I guess we all should place service to our Mother India as an highest priority than any thing else.

Friends,with this intention I have started this subject and please add your comments .

I end this with one of the Swamiji's quotations ( which i like most )

Feel,my children,feel;feel for the poor,the ignorant,the downtrodden;feel till the heart stops and the brain reels and you think you will go mad;then pour the soul out at the feet of the Lord,and then will come power,help,and indomitable energy.-Swami Vivekananda."